‭+31 6 50 84 35 19‬ flutelab@gmail.com















onehand instruments

onehand instruments

Full range of chromatic instruments

Flutelab makes Onehand flutes and saxophones. The Onehand instruments are full range chromatic instruments of our own design. They can be made in left hand or right hand playable.

Because all fingers of the “good” hand must be applied to operating the mechanism, some other way must be found to hold the instrument. This usually is a ground support. If the other hand can play a role in balancing the instrument, so much better.


All over the globe

Flutelab Onehand instruments are being played in the USA, UK, Italy, Australia, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. In 2014, Maarten Visser of Flutelab was awarded the OHMI award in Playable category for the Onehand flute.

The result  is a precise and reliable intonation. Most important of all, the handcut embouchure hole delivers a lush, warm sound delivering easy coloring and generous dynamics.

How to order?

First step

First of all, send me an email with your request In order to get a good idea of what I need to do, I need to know who the instrument is for and what the requirements are, so I will ask lost of questions.


How to order?


Once I know all I need to know, I calculate the cost, and send you a quotation. There are usually several possibilities, such as lauer/ plain brass,  or floor stand/ stand supplied by you, etc.


How to order?

Start of work

Once price and options are decided, I send an invoice for a downpayment of 25% of the labourt cst. Once that sum is received, I start work. Delivery is usually 5-10 months. It is a lot of work, and I cannot halt my other business activities.


How to order?


Once your instrument is finished, I send an invoive for the remainder sum. Then is is time for shipping. Flutelab Onehand instruments come with a fingering table. A case can be supplied or you can make one yourself.



To see the onehand saxophone in action, please visit our instruction video page

To ask a question, order a flute headjoint or plan a visit, contact us here


Business address
NDSM-plein 55
1033WC Amsterdam
the Netherlands

+31 -20-682 3929

Alternatively, visit one of our representatives:

606 S.Rochester Road
Clawson MI 48017 USA
phone 1-888-590-5722

Meindorfer Straße 174
53757 Sankt Augustin